Saturday, July 23, 2016

About Our Planet, Earth

This term we are studying Kiwiana. We are starting off by looking at where in the solar system we are.

Monday - please go to this link to watch the National Geographic film about how our planet was formed.
National Geographic

Here is a link to a website with information about our planet earth. The Tigers and the Cows are going to read this information and answer questions.
Planets for Kids

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Rube Goldberg Machines

Room 14 had a lot of fun designing complex Rube Goldberg machines. The project required creativity and perseverance. The children had to work together and accept failures, working to improve their machines to make them successful.
Here are some videos of the machines:


Please remember that there are Choir rehearsals this week. Also, if tickets are wanted, they can be purchased from the office. They sound ...